What We're Studying...

What We're Studying...

Monday, February 21, 2011

I've Made It Through the Moment

That's right. The homework is well on its way to being done and I even watched the session I missed last Tuesday girls. The homework was just as painful as I had feared when I shut it the first day and said, "I'M NOT DOING IT!"-but it has been very beneficial and allowed me to see that I have some bondage to these issues I have been keeping very hidden.

Love what Beth said in this session...

You've gotta get through the moments to get to your milestones. Good Stuff. God Stuff. Missing Stuff had I not let God deal with this and done my homework. See you Tuesday my dear, precious friends.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Don't Like It

Have you ever come across a subject that is just so raw-you don't want to expose it..not even to the Lord! That is exactly how I am feeling doing my homework this week for Bible study. In fact, I shut the book and thought...I won't do it! YOU THINK I WOULD KNOW BETTER BECAUSE...don't you know I was up at 4:00 AM this morning and couldn't get back to sleep or escape my emotional despair until I got up and out of bed to finish my Bible study. I really hate when God does this..Study this week is down right painful. Praying for you ladies as some of you may be experiencing it too. God is using it though! Can't wait to catch up on Tuesday.